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Pap Stain Kit

The HealthSky Papanicolaou Stain Kit is intended for cytology gynecology and non-gynecology smears staining according to the procedure developed by George Papanicolaou.

Principle of Pap Stain

The principle of pap stain is to clearly distinguish between basophilic and acidophilic cell components and obtain a detailed chromatin pattern. The HealthSky Papanicolaou Stain Kit consists of the Hematoxylin Stain and the EA/OG Stain. Hematoxylin dyes attach to sulfate groups on the DNA, stains the nucleus. Eosin (referred to as EA) and Orange G (referred to as OG) are cytoplasmic stains, the combination of EA/OG give the subtle range of green, blue, and pink hues to the cell cytoplasm. 

Related Liquid-Based Cytology Kit

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Building 2-1, Liangzhu International Life Science and Technology Town, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.